I Want to Give!
We gratefully receive the generous contributions made to the work of the Lord through this church and its ministry.
There are many ways you can support the general ministry of this church or a particular ministry or mission project by donating money or tangible goods. Many times, the tangible goods are specified within the ministry area or mission itself, elsewhere on this site. A simple example is the Food Shelf Ministry. They have a need for food and money to purchase it. You can either donate food, but you’d better find out what they need first, or you can donate money.
All donations by check or cash, must have your name and address are included so we can mail you a detailed statement for tax purposes.
To be counted in the current tax year, any donation must be received by December 31st. If mailed, the postmark on the envelope must be on or before that day.
You will get the statement for the year, by January 31st of the following year. whether you gave once or many times during the year. The only requirement is that .
All Checks must be made out to “Redeeming Grace Community Church”.
All undesignated donations will be applied to our General Budget which funds the operation of the church and all its programs and ministries.
If you want to designate your donation, put the name of it in the Memo Field of the check.
If you want to make a gift to the church as a memorial, you should discuss this with either the Chair of Trustees, Memorials Chair, or Finance Chair.
If you plan to give any tangible goods, and you want a receipt, please contact either the Financial Secretary or the Finance Chair. They can be reached through the Church office. Note that the church cannot and will not assign any value to tangible goods received for your tax purposes. You will receive a receipt simply describing the item(s) received. Either the Chair of Trustees or Finance or both of them must approve such donations.
Remember your church in your will
If you would like to make a donation to this church through your estate, we would welcome it. You should discuss this with our Finance Chair prior to completing your will to avoid any misunderstandings regarding the use of your gift.
You may mail your check donation (do not send cash through the mail) to:
Finance Secretary
Redeeming Grace Community Church
213 North Oak St.
Lake City, MN 55041
Delivering your donation
You may also deliver your Check or cash donation to the church office during our normal office hours. Please put your donation together with name and address in an envelope marked: Attention: Finance Secretary.
Online Giving:
Convenient & Secure
Our Online Giving Service is now available through our BreezeChMS Service
Click Here to go to the Breeze Help for Online Giving.
To use this service, a donor must set up an account within Breeze. Click Here for Information on setting up an account.
This services provides for both web-based giving, text-giving, and Breeze has an app for your phone for online giving. To down load the phone app simply go to your App Store and search for BreezeChMS. Click Here for information on Text Giving. Our Text Giving number is: (651) 372-2558.