We are a family of believers supporting each other through our faith journey. We strive to strengthen our relationship with Christ through loving, growing, and serving Christ and others. The worship experience seeks to inspire and awaken a person’s faith and their focus on God. The God we worship is one to be praised and in stand awe of. We show our love to God by singing, praying together, by giving of our gifts, and by listening to and acting according to His word. We would love to have you come worship with us! We have two opportunities for Sunday morning worship.
We stream our services live to YouTube as well as record them.
Sunday Morning Worship Service 10:00 - 11:00 am
- A time of worship blending traditional and contemporary elements
- Music by Organ, service choir, and Worship Band musicians
- A Bible-based message is passionately presented by Pastor Phil Schmidt
Sunday Conversation Time follows service
- Coffee, juice, and goodies in Rogers Hall
How to find us…
About our Worship Services...

10:00 am Worship Service
The 10:00 service opens worship with singing hymns and a church choir. This is a relatively informal service. Attendees usually dress conservatively but comfortable and ranges from suits to casual. Children are always welcome and encouraged to attend. There is no offering collected during the service, but a donation basket is provided in the narthex.
The choir provides very effective special music at selected services. Music and hymns are accompanied by either an organ or a piano, though sometimes special music is used, especially during the summer months. The central part of the service consists of music and singing led by our worship musicians in a contemporary style. This is followed by Pastor Phil bringing a message of teaching straight from the Bible.
On the first Sunday of each month, the Lord’s Supper is observed with communion by intinction. Those who are not able to walk are served in the pews.