Reaching out via Our Ministries
We in the Christian church, are called by Jesus for giving aid and comfort to one or more persons but He also commands us to teach and preach the Gospel so that all creation will come to their salvation through Him. Such ministering can and does take many forms in response to the needs of those receiving help and is accomplished by the Grace of God through the individuals in the church community.
This page are about our primary function of reaching out. The various ministries and mission projects presented here are all for the purpose of leading people who do not know Christ to a point of understanding the joy of a relationship with Jesus Christ, and making Him their Lord and Savior for eternal salvation is the absolute most important decision they can ever make in their lives.
There probably isn't a more fundamental responsibility within the organized church of today than what the Worship Team does in its ministry. They plan for, maintain, participate in, and otherwise see that those who gather together to worship God in a meaningful way can do so every time worship services are held.
This team, under the leadership and guidance of our pastor continually plans for, and makes arrangements to see that all the necessary components that go to make up our two very different worship experiences go off without a hitch. While the pastor is responsible for setting the themes by virtue of the sermon messages, the team must also consider seasonal aspects as well as special occasions such as graduation of students, confirmation classes, new members joining, and others.
The music that is a key part of the service must be chosen and practiced. Any special announcements or participants must be accommodated. The paper bulletins must be prepared and printed. The graphics and videos used in the service by the pastor or others with special messages or presentations must be prepared and loaded into the Worship Presentation Computer system.
Any special departures from the nominal service routine must be communicated to the Technology Team so they can be prepared appropriately for both audio and video requirements.
The Worship Team must make sure that all volunteers associated with each service are committed to be there. These are the Greeters, the Ushers, the Communion Servers, and any others that are necessary.
If you are interested in serving on, or learning more about the Worship Team, click here, and select the Worship Ministry area of interest on the next screen.

Our Prayer Ministry
Our Prayer Team meets on a weekly basis and seeks the Lord through prayer for those who have requested prayer for themselves or someone they know has a need or problem. This team knows there is power in prayer, especially when gathered together. If you would like to have them pray for you, please click here.
If you are interested in serving on the Prayer Team, click here, and enter Prayer Team in the To Whose Attention and state you'd like to volunteer.

Disciples in Action
Our Disciples in Action (DIA) is made up of many individuals within our congregation that are ready at the sound of a phone call to respond to all kinds of needs. This is a ministry to our congregation and to complete strangers to our church as a witness to the Gospel. Like the Good Samaritan, this ministry will not turn away from anyone in need.
The mission of our church is to “Love, grow, and serve Christ and others.” We believe that a true disciple of Christ is actively involved in all three activities. Disciples in Action is one of the ways of exercising your faith in the service area and is a group of Christians committed to the call to help all we can, whenever we can, wherever we can, in any way can. Christ has told us that “What you have done for the least of these of mine you have done for me”. We believe works of help and kindness are the result of understanding that God has and does help us in every way possible and out of love for Him we are called to do the same for our brothers and sisters.
Ways to serve are almost unlimited. A few of the more common requests are:
- Driving for appointments, shopping, church.
- Yard work, small home repairs, painting, washing windows, snow shoveling, hauling waste to the recycle center.
- Moving assistance.
- Serving on committees and working in areas to maintain and improve God’s house.
In addition there are regular opportunities to serve:
- The church provides bus drivers for Wednesday medical appointments for the Lake City Nursing Home. This is of great value to families of residents who find it difficult to impossible to transport their loved ones who are often wheel chair bound to necessary appointments.
- Packing for the Weekend is a program sponsored by the United Way to help feed children of needy families on the weekend as a supplement to meal programs offered by the school system. Each Friday volunteers gather at the church to pack bags of food and deliver them to the families.
If you are ready to put your faith to work and are interested in serving as or learning more about becoming a part of our Disciples in Action, click here, and enter Disciples in Action in the To Whose Attention and state you'd like to volunteer. If you would like to receive some help from our Disciples in Action, simply indicate that in your message.

DIAs help in moving one person or an whole household...

DIAs provide rides to/from doctor appointments or other destinations...
Food Shelf Ministry
This ministry is done in concert with the Lake City Food Shelf.We have volunteers that work at the Food Shelf and we run periodic food drives to collect food for our local food shelf.
If you would like to donate food to our Food Shelf Ministry, bring non-perishable food items to our church Sunday mornings or during our office hours. There is a grocery cart in the front hallway to receive donations. If you would like to donate money, drop off a check in any amount made out to Lake City United Methodist Church with Lake City Food Shelf in the Memo field. Your donation will be appreciated and you will receive a receipt for tax purposes at the address on your check. These are sent out quarterly.
If you are interested in serving as or learning more about becoming a volunteer with the Food Shelf Program, click here, and put Food Shelf Ministry in the To Whose Attention and state you'd like to volunteer.